Monday, December 28, 2009

Not Crazy After all....

thank GOD, I am not crazy after all!!! I kept feeling these weird movements in my belly, and was thinking I should do some research to see if it was gas, or it was LBO moving around. And YAY, it is the baby. They say that with a 3rd pregnancy your uterus is more flexible which tends to make you show alot sooner (thank god, cause I thought i was just getting fat) and that you can feel movement as early as 9 weeks! Sorry though my friends, you will have to wait a lil longer before I can let you feel me!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Week 10.....211 days to go!

Whew, what a week it has been.

This past week has been....crazy!
All the crazy Christmas madness is finally over!!! Thank God! :)
Thanks to my wonderful parents my children had an amazing Christmas, they definitely over did themselves again this year :)
My dad cooked an AMAZING filet on Christmas, OMG it was sooo tasty. I want one now just thinking about it!
My poor Mom has come down with a cold from all the late night shopping trips :( sorry mama!

Let's see here,I have been the sickest yet in the last few days. Hopefully it will end soon, because this eating all day to not feel sick isnt helping. I have actually lost a few pounds.

I am beyond ready to go to the doctor, but am still waiting on my insurance. I will feel much better once i can get to the doc. Then maybe i wont think I am having a miscarriage everytime I feel a weird sensation in my belly! (cant help it, I am just paranoid like that)

I will be finding out the sex of the baby around my birthday in March
I really want to have the 3-D ultrasound done! p.s. that would be an AWESOME EARLY birthday present, you know like a 4 week early present :) ::winkwink::

Don't really have much to say tonight, I am ready to move out of this stinky apartment in the ghetto, i know that much. What in the WORLD was I thinking?!?

OH YEAH, so I was soooo insistent on finding skinny maternity jeans (because I REFUSED to wear them when I wasnt preggo) to wear with my boots i got last year, well FINALLY i found some. My mama bought me 2 pairs of them for Christmas. I get home yesterday, and WTH I can't find the effin' boots anywhere.....This is just redunkulous, I want my boots. Im trying to be a cute preggo. So if anyone sees my boots PLEASE tell me. Oh and whats up with all the preggo shirts that look like tents? I want CUTE shirts that show off my belly!!!! Write that down!

2 more names to add the list: (which btw, were my Dad's choosing)

Brendan Wesley
Zoe Anne

Okay ya'll, I am done for the night, need to go eat, yet again! And try and sleep :)

Monday, December 21, 2009

9 weeks

It's that time of year again. CHRISTMAS!!! In fact, there are only 3 days left until the jolly man, goes on his journey to visit all of the little boys and girls!

This past week has been pretty good as far as not feeling sick constantly. It kind of came and went throughout the day, which is a HUGE step from the prior weeks of 'all day' sickness! Lifesavers peppermints (only out at Christmas) have saved my life. That and I stayed at my parents house for almost a week, and ate constantly, but boy was it worth it!!! I found out the hard way that I will not be able to eat my fathers famous turkey chili during this pregnancy. SO SAD!!!

Umm, let's see...I am getting fat, haha!! Really I am, lets just say I have already gained 20 lbs. totally not cool, but I can't say that I am surprised because with my boys I gained nearly 80 lbs both times! It's okay though, because I have nobody to impress, and I sure as hell won't be having sex with anybody, so I'm good :)!!! With that being said, lol, I was asked out on a date....Yea, I didn't know what to say either, I was like umm, I'm pregnant. And his response was "So, what does pregnant have to do with anything", I thought awww, that is SO sweet, but no thanks! I have far too much going on to even THINK about going there.

So, anyways, I have been craving fruit like crazy. Not just any fruit though, peaches....omg, so tasty!!! I have drank so much Ginger Ale in the last 4 weeks that I can no longer stand it. I have noticed that pretty much everything I eat, gives me indigestion....and not just regular "i gotta poop" indigestion, the kind that makes me feel like I can't move! So I discovered this week, as I was having an amazing craving for Nachos(yummo), Tostitos, Shredded Cheese(melted of course), and sour cream.....turned out to be the ONE thing I can eat without feeling ill!!! VICTORY is mine, hah!! Geez, all this talk about food is making me hungry!

LBO(little baby owens)

LBO is growing fast these days. I was in the ER Saturday night with severe abdominal pain, I thought I was having a miscarriage. Not the case, I saw LBO on the ultrasound :) And the little cupcake was getting down dancing, haha. It was so cute! The Doctor told me it was probably because of my weight gain (I say kiss my know) and due to the fact that I had a C-section with Dylan. The growth of my uterus is most likely, putting pressure on the scar tissue from my C-section, which unfortunately is something I will have to kind of "deal with" through out the pregnancy. Today LBO is the size of a large grape this week. Why they use fruits and veggies to show size I have no clue but either way, I have a large grape!
I thought i had decided on names, but after doing some thinking....I decided that I am going to use family names, well for the middle name at least. I have done this with my Sons, and plan on keeping it that way with LBO.
Here is what i have so far:

Tristan Jacob
Lindsay Beth
Adrian Elizabeth
Jillian Anne
Ian Richard

Okay, on to the next subject, that unfortunately burns in my brain 24-7. And that I always answer people with, "I don't want to talk about it"! I guess in a way, it is just easier for me, to not discuss, maybe its because I in some weird waym hope that if I don't talk about it, everything will be okay.....but in reality, it isnt okay. I will eventually have to talk about it with someone. I feel like I should now, it just hurts to even bring up. And I turn into a sobbing mess, like I am now!

I have ALOT going on still, and in the beginning wasn't going to blast my news out there for everybody to gossip about, however, I need to be supported right now and need people in my life who can help me get through all of this madness. It is a long complicated situation, and to begin talking about it would take me hours. And I can't sit that long, I mean geesh I have to pee, and eat ya know :)! Let me just say that, things don't always turn out the way we think they were going to. I am going to be essentially raising this little bundle of joy on my own. That is beyond scary. I don't want to sit here and tell my whole situation at the moment, I am sure that there will come a point where I can no longer hold it in. That will be the moment that I start typing like I am writing a novel, and you will all say "holy shit", because in reality that is all that you will be able to think of, because, you will be left speechless.

Friday, December 4, 2009

*Baby Names*

Although, I had a couple of names picked out. I would like to know what YOU think. Any suggestions are greatly welcomed :)


Thursday, December 3, 2009


Okay, so I had been nauseated since Saturday. It is Thursday evening and it has finally subsided, a little. I don't want to speak too soon, because I will jinx myself lol! However, thanks to a few of Gayle's friends, I was told to try "sea bands" (not sure what those are), as well as peppermint(which has helped tremendously). I am pretty sure a lot of it has to do with the stress that I have been under, a lot has happened just in the last 24 hours. I find myself being super emotional, more so than usual!
I have to say congratulations to Gayle :) who just found out that her and the Mister are having a GIRL!! Yay!! So excited for you sweety!!

I have been wracking my brain trying to come up with baby names, and finally after a long process of narrowing it down, I came up with 2 that I am definite on!
BOY: Connor Jacob
GIRL: Callie Elizabeth

Just wanted to give ya'll a little update. Hope everyone is doing well :)

Monday, November 30, 2009

6 weeks

So today is week 6. I just found out last week that I am expecting baby number 3! wow...never thought I would hear myself say that. And for some reason, I woke up yesterday and looked like I swallowed a melon. (see above picture)

I have been experiencing some serious indigestion so far. Literally everything I eat, gives me heartburn. I also learned the hard way that I can no longer drink caffiene of any kind, or in any amount. I drank a glass of sweet tea, a couple of days ago, and felt like I was going to have a heart attack.

Let's see, there is alot going on in my life right now besides the new baby news. However I am hoping for the best, and praying that in the end, it will all turn out for the best!