Sunday, December 27, 2009

Week 10.....211 days to go!

Whew, what a week it has been.

This past week has been....crazy!
All the crazy Christmas madness is finally over!!! Thank God! :)
Thanks to my wonderful parents my children had an amazing Christmas, they definitely over did themselves again this year :)
My dad cooked an AMAZING filet on Christmas, OMG it was sooo tasty. I want one now just thinking about it!
My poor Mom has come down with a cold from all the late night shopping trips :( sorry mama!

Let's see here,I have been the sickest yet in the last few days. Hopefully it will end soon, because this eating all day to not feel sick isnt helping. I have actually lost a few pounds.

I am beyond ready to go to the doctor, but am still waiting on my insurance. I will feel much better once i can get to the doc. Then maybe i wont think I am having a miscarriage everytime I feel a weird sensation in my belly! (cant help it, I am just paranoid like that)

I will be finding out the sex of the baby around my birthday in March
I really want to have the 3-D ultrasound done! p.s. that would be an AWESOME EARLY birthday present, you know like a 4 week early present :) ::winkwink::

Don't really have much to say tonight, I am ready to move out of this stinky apartment in the ghetto, i know that much. What in the WORLD was I thinking?!?

OH YEAH, so I was soooo insistent on finding skinny maternity jeans (because I REFUSED to wear them when I wasnt preggo) to wear with my boots i got last year, well FINALLY i found some. My mama bought me 2 pairs of them for Christmas. I get home yesterday, and WTH I can't find the effin' boots anywhere.....This is just redunkulous, I want my boots. Im trying to be a cute preggo. So if anyone sees my boots PLEASE tell me. Oh and whats up with all the preggo shirts that look like tents? I want CUTE shirts that show off my belly!!!! Write that down!

2 more names to add the list: (which btw, were my Dad's choosing)

Brendan Wesley
Zoe Anne

Okay ya'll, I am done for the night, need to go eat, yet again! And try and sleep :)


  1. Hey girlie =D You wrote this "I will be finding out the sex of the baby around my birthday in March I really want to have the 3-D ultrasound done! p.s. that would be an AWESOME EARLY birthday present, you know like a 4 week early present :)" Well I'm not sure if money is tight for you as it is with me but at my last Ultrasound the lady asked with we were going to get a 3D done. We said sadly we didn't have the money... Long story short TCC does them for FREE! Well they ask for a donation =) I'll be getting one done in the next week or so... The only thing you get are pictures (no video's) but pictures are just as good =) I'll let you know how it goes!!! ((hugs))

  2. Here's more info:

    I called just before the holidays and the lady said to call back after Jan 4th, because that's when school starts back up... anyways again I'll let you know how it goes! ((hugs))
