Saturday, January 23, 2010

14 weeks

It's a BOY!!!

Yes ya'll heard it right....

I am having another BOY :) Crazy, I know!!!

There hasn't been too much going on lately. I haven't been able to sleep very well, so by the time I pass out it is usually around 3am. Which causes me to sleep until 1100 in the morning, AWFUL!

I finally got an appointment with my new Doctor. (The doc I had been seeing for 10 years isn't delivering babies anymore) So she was pretty nice, except that she told me to ::gasp:: stop eating fruit, and when I asked if I could drink Crystal Light....he response was "why would you want to put that in your body". Not only was I shocked, but saddened lol. I mean it's not like I am drinking a bottle of grey goose, and eating a brick of cheese with a bag of grapes :). She asked me to come back for an ultrasound asap, just to make sure there was nothing wrong with the baby. So I go in yesterday for an ultrasound, NOT expecting the lady to say "do you want to know the sex" (I'm thinking its too early for that, right? WRONG) So she moves it around a little bit and WHAM, low and behold there is MR. PICKLE!!! haha, hey that is what she called him :)

I'd love to finish, but I must go referee real quick....The boys are fighting...yet again :)

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