Monday, January 4, 2010

11 weeks

So I don't really have too much to say this week, but I know ya'll want an update so......

The nausea has finally passed. Which means I am eating like I have been deprived of food for weeks :)

Still waiting to go to the Doctor, I have yet to receive my insurance cards, so I have to wait until the arrive in the mail before anybody will see me. Which is pretty frustrating, because I have ALOT to talk to her about!

I am still not sure whether I think I am having a boy or girl. I know what I would love to have, however, I don't want to jinx myself.

Trying to get passed the anger and hurt I have towards somebody, is alot harder than I ever thought it would be.I try to think of other things, but it is not as easy as he would like it to be. I think that sometimes, people lie to themselves SO much, that they actually start to believe their lies. It is hard when someone tells you to pretty much just get over what they have done to you. And to "not think about it, because it will destroy you". I have realized, and finally decided to let him go. It hurts, because I never thought I would be in this situation, but at the same time, I have to do it. The hardest thing is knowing that every little word I was told, turned out to be a lie, everything from loving me, to being with me, everything....was a lie! It makes me sick when I see and hear certain things, however, I won't let someone who did this to me have the satisfaction of thinking I am miserable or lost without them. Someone is going to come along, and make me realize why there was never a chance of being happy with jto. And I hate to say this, but if somebody comes along, and wants to be in my life, as well as my babies life.....I am not going I am not going to stop them. That may be a terrible thing to say, but when you go through, what I have recently you would feel the same way!

Okay, enough about that. I am getting large. Which I seem to unaccepting of. I gained ALOT of weight with the boys, and lost it all afterwards. But still I am having a hard time with how much I am gaining. I am terrified that I wont be able to lose it after the baby is born. Thats scary!

Um, I am trying to go to school for Nursing. I want to start while I am pregnant, that way maybe I will have a chance of getting a good job after the baby is born.

Well everyone, I think that about covers everything for this week. I am sure as soon as I am done that I will think of more to say.

Ohhhh, I have chosen the baby names!

Zoe Anne

Brendan (cant find a middle name)

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